Meet some of the teams.

Hub Team

Coordinator: AJ Kitchen
This team serves RC with a cup of coffee or tea with an engaging smile. Preparing coffee and setting up the Hub are just a few of the opportunities on this team.

RC|Kids Ministry

Coordinator: Crystal Kitchen
At RC, we believe that no child is too young to receive the truth of God's Word. We are passionate about leading children into a real relationship with Jesus through Bibles stories, worship, prayer, hands-on activities and personal interactions. 

Welcome Team

Coordinator: Deb Alexander
This friendly team loves people and makes them feel at home here at RC. They welcome guests and members alike with a smile, encouragement, and provide clear direction and information so that hearts are open to the Gospel message.
Restoration Teams are essential to the health and growth of Restoration Church. These various teams provide you the opportunity build the Kingdom by serving your local church and building an authentic community of friends.

Click on the picture to contact us about the team you are interested in joining! Our office staff will be in touch with the team availability and requirements.

Prayer Team

Coordinator: Kriste Tira
The importance of prayer in the life of a believer cannot be overemphasized. Prayer is the foundation of everything that we do at RC. This team will be contacted for prayer as needs and situations arise within the church and community.

Events Team

Administrative Team

Coordinator: Stefanie McKernan
This team uses their gift of administration to support RC by using their computer skills, data entry, and attention to details.

Maintenance Team

Coordinator: Andy Kitchen
Coordinators: Jeff & Michelle Stemler
This team helps with the maintenance of the property and buildings of RC. Whether you are handy with tools or just like to get dirty, this is the team for you.
Throughout the year, we have special events such as classes, meetings and picnic with require a little extra help to pull it all off. Consider lending a hand to make them happen!

Beyond the Building Team

Coordinators: David & Stefanie McKernan
This team looks for various opportunities to bring the church outside it's four walls and into the community. RC loves our community and we love it's people!