Ever since Elijah placed his mantle upon him, Elisha followed Elijah everywhere, and when Elijah was about to leave, he asked Elisha if he wanted anything before he left. Elisha in a show of tremendous ambition requested a double portion of Elijah's spirit. In other words, he wanted to be twice the prophet that Elijah was. Elijah's last act as a prophet, before his departure, was to declare that Elisha would receive his request if he would see him when he left.
Immediately after Elijah left, the promise of the prophet began to be honored by God through the miracles done in His name. One after an other, over and over, the miracles kept stacking up. Soon, Elisha's miracle count surpassed that of Elijah, till it came close to being double. Would he make it? He was getting older now. Would he indeed be twice the prophet Elijah was? Only one more miracle remained. But before this miracle took place, Elisha died, and was buried. It had appeared that he had not made it, and that God had not honored the promise. Had Elisha angered God in some way?
After Elisha died, when winter was over, the Moabites invaded the land. At this time, another man had also died, and when he was about to be buried, a band of Moabites was spotted nearby. Being fearful, the men took the body and placed it into Elisha's tomb. As soon as the man's body touched the bones of Elisha, the man came back to life! (2Kings 13:21). Now I have heard some say that this was due to a great anointing that had soaked into the bones of the prophet, but this is not the case, and those who insist on this, miss the great truth of this story. Many have gone into error by this, and have put their trust in old dead things, instead of in the living God.
Instead, this is a tremendous testimony to God's faithfulness to keep his word. See, Elisha was promised twice as much, and God keeps his promises... even to a dead man.
As a believer, reading through the Scriptures (especially the New Testament), take special note to all the promises in it, and claim them for yourself. Whenever we lay hold of these promises of God that He has declared in His Word, we do not need to question them. For God has already answered them before you even thought to ask.
If He had it written, then He means it, and will stand by it. All that remains for us to do is to simply trust in God that He will keep His word, and then be moved to action by that trust.
Till next time, keep trusting in God,
Immediately after Elijah left, the promise of the prophet began to be honored by God through the miracles done in His name. One after an other, over and over, the miracles kept stacking up. Soon, Elisha's miracle count surpassed that of Elijah, till it came close to being double. Would he make it? He was getting older now. Would he indeed be twice the prophet Elijah was? Only one more miracle remained. But before this miracle took place, Elisha died, and was buried. It had appeared that he had not made it, and that God had not honored the promise. Had Elisha angered God in some way?
After Elisha died, when winter was over, the Moabites invaded the land. At this time, another man had also died, and when he was about to be buried, a band of Moabites was spotted nearby. Being fearful, the men took the body and placed it into Elisha's tomb. As soon as the man's body touched the bones of Elisha, the man came back to life! (2Kings 13:21). Now I have heard some say that this was due to a great anointing that had soaked into the bones of the prophet, but this is not the case, and those who insist on this, miss the great truth of this story. Many have gone into error by this, and have put their trust in old dead things, instead of in the living God.
Instead, this is a tremendous testimony to God's faithfulness to keep his word. See, Elisha was promised twice as much, and God keeps his promises... even to a dead man.
“God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should
repent. Has He said, and will he not do? Or hath he spoken, and will He not make it
good?” (Numbers 23:19 NKJV)
And get this, Elisha was under the Old Covenant. The Bible says that we are under a New and Better Covenant through Christ:
“But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises.” (Hebrews
8:6 NKJV).
As a believer, reading through the Scriptures (especially the New Testament), take special note to all the promises in it, and claim them for yourself. Whenever we lay hold of these promises of God that He has declared in His Word, we do not need to question them. For God has already answered them before you even thought to ask.
“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” (2Corinthians 1:20 NKJV).
If He had it written, then He means it, and will stand by it. All that remains for us to do is to simply trust in God that He will keep His word, and then be moved to action by that trust.
Till next time, keep trusting in God,
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